In bright light, the shutter speed may hit the maximum which is 1/8000 sec for my camera. The only time I have to vary this is in really bright light. I will usually set my aperture as wide open as my lens will allow to get a blurred background for my shots. I typically shoot in Aperture Priority mode, and vary the ISO to get the shutter speed in the range where I want it. To get consistent results you will need to take a little more control of your camera and get away from the AUTO or the PROGRAM modes. With action, you will tend have a target aperture and shutter speed, so the ISO gets moved around for the varying lighting conditions. If you fix 2, then the third has to vary with the exposure. These 3 variables make up a particular exposure. ISO – how sensitive the sensor is to light (the higher the number, the more sensitive the sensor, and less light is needed). Shutter Speed – how long the shutter is open exposing the sensor to light (the larger the number the faster the speed (200 = 1/200 sec)), and In this Part 1, I will discuss the 3 variables of exposure:Īperture – the size of the opening of the lens (the lower the number to wider open the lens) These same settings are also helpful for just chasing anything moving.

Well, I thought I would share how I set up my camera for shooting sports. So you got that new DSLR to take better photos of your kids, and sometimes the shots turn out great and other times, they just don’t.